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Individual Podcasts

Mothership Proceedings in Insolvency

Mothership proceedings may be brought by liquidators in the Federal Court, or State Supreme courts, to claw back unfair preference payments made to multiple creditors. In this program, Hannah Griffiths, from national law firm Gilchrist Connell in Sydney, provides a guide to the


About the Podcast

Mothership proceedings may be brought by liquidators in the Federal Court, or State Supreme courts, to claw back unfair preference payments made to multiple creditors. In this program, Hannah Griffiths, from national law firm Gilchrist Connell in Sydney, provides a guide to the rules applying to mothership proceedings, the types of payments by the insolvent company that will be covered, the advantages and disadvantages of such proceedings, and the policy and other issues that need to be taken into account before deciding to pursue the proceedings.

34 minutes / 0.6 CPD units

Presented By

Hannah Griffiths
Principal, Gilchrist

CPD Information

0.57 CPD Hours

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