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The Digital World: Cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Tokens

Whilst government agencies such as ASIC publish warnings on SMSFs and cryptocurrency, there is no doubting this type of investment is gaining in popularity. As a result, accountants and fund administrators will need to gain an understanding of how this relatively new form of inve


About the Podcast

Whilst government agencies such as ASIC publish warnings on SMSFs and cryptocurrency, there is no doubting this type of investment is gaining in popularity. As a result, accountants and fund administrators will need to gain an understanding of how this relatively new form of investment interacts with the income tax and superannuation laws. This podcast aims to assist you in doing so.

Featuring: Phil Broderick, Sladen Legal, Melbourne, Vic.

29 minutes / 0.5 CPD hours

Presented By

Phil Broderick
Principal, Sladen Legal Melbourne, Vic

CPD Information

0.48 CPD Hours

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