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Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinar: Back to Basics: The Practical Aspects of the CGT Small Business Concessions

This webinar is part of TEN’s “Back to Basics” range of webinars which are specifically produced for junior practitioners. This webinar is priced at only $99 as our way of giving back to the profession and providing a cost effective means for firms to provide CPD for junior practi


About the Webinar

This webinar is part of TEN’s “Back to Basics” range of webinars which are specifically produced for junior practitioners. This webinar is priced at only $99 as our way of giving back to the profession and providing a cost effective means for firms to provide CPD for junior practitioners.

The small business CGT concessions can provide generous relief from CGT if certain eligibility conditions are met. For some situations, working through these conditions can be an extremely complex process before arriving at the conclusion that either, yes, eligibility has been satisfied for an extremely positive result, or no, the process you have painstakingly worked through unfortunately hasn’t achieved any real benefit. This session explores some of the intricacies of the concessions, including:

  • How to determine whether shares or trust interests can be active assets
  • The effect “connected entities” have on the concessions
  • How to determine who controls an entity for the connected entity test
  • When the active asset test may be passed or failed, including:
    • the “main use to derive rent” test (Del Castillo v FC of T [2022] AATA 4233)
    • properties leased to associated entities (TD 2006/63)
  • How practitioners can add value years before a CGT event by monitoring:
    • the 80% active asset test for shares or interests in trusts
    • the distributions from a discretionary trust for the connected entity test
  • Non related unitholders of a unit trust conducting a business with one wanting to buy the other out – the steps to determine if concessions available
  • Accessing the 15 year exemption, including:
    • what does and doesn’t satisfy “retirement”
  • Case study

Presented By

Andrew Henshaw
Managing Director, Velocity Legal Melbourne, Vic

Andrew acts for a diverse range of private businesses, high net-wealth individuals and family groups. He specialises in business structuring, tax disputes and complex tax issues.

Andrew has been a Director of Velocity Legal since the firm was founded in 2016 and was appointed Managing Director on 1 July 2021.

Andrew holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Laws from Monash University, a Masters of Law from the University of Melbourne and is a Chartered Tax Advisor with the Tax Institute. He is an active contributor in the tax community, and frequently publishes his insights through his blog ‘Life, Death and Taxes’, law reform bodies and other tax publications. Andrew is also a regular presenter, through forums including the Institute of Public Accountants, CPA Australia, TEN The Education Network, Legalwise and TaxTalks.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for junior accountants advising in taxation matters – Australia wide.

CPD Information

Accountants can claim up to 1 CPD/Training hour. This webinar has been designed to run for 1 hour, however, webinar lengths can vary depending on the level of questions and discussion.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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