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Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinar: Tax Consequences of Reimbursement Agreements, Trust Distribution Mistakes and Deeming Under s100A

Trust distribution mistakes can be costly, especially when caught by section 100A as a reimbursement agreement. This session examines when trust distributions fall within the scope of the reimbursement agreement provisions, including: The meaning of reimbu


About the Webinar

Trust distribution mistakes can be costly, especially when caught by section 100A as a reimbursement agreement. This session examines when trust distributions fall within the scope of the reimbursement agreement provisions, including:

  • The meaning of reimbursement agreements and their tax implications
  • Are there any exclusions?
  • Operation of section 100A and efficacy of trustee resolutions
  • Perpetual motion structures and reimbursement agreements
  • When ordinary family and commercial dealings may or may not apply
  • Division 7A and s100A issues

Presented By

Fletch Heinemann
Partner, Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers Brisbane, QLD

Fletch Heinemann is one of the partners in Cooper Grace Ward’s tax team. He specialises in tax disputes and litigation. Fletch’s technical specialisations include income tax, GST, payroll tax and customs duties. In managing clients’ tax and customs disputes, Fletch helps with the audit stages, ATO interviews, notices of objection, appeals in the AAT, QCAT, Federal Court and Supreme Court. Fletch draws on this experience to provide upfront practical tax advice across a range of commercial issues.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for accountants and lawyers advising in taxation matters – Australia wide. This webinar is for experienced practitioners.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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