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Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinar: Using Small Business Restructure Rollover for Business Succession

When a family business is held in the family’s discretionary trust, what tax effective options are available to restructure the business for business succession purposes? This session explains how the small business restructure rollover (SBRR) can be used for in this way. It cove


About the Webinar

When a family business is held in the family’s discretionary trust, what tax effective options are available to restructure the business for business succession purposes? This session explains how the small business restructure rollover (SBRR) can be used for in this way. It covers:

  • Understanding the SBRR:

    • what assets are covered by a SBRR?

    • who is eligible for the rollover?

    • what are the consequences of the SBRR for the transferor?

    • what are the consequences of the SBRR for the transferee?

  • Using the SBRR:

    • what is a genuine restructure?

    • when can you use the safe harbour rules?

    • when is there a change to ultimate economic ownership?

  • Objectives in using the SBRR – what does the law allow and what does the ATO accept?

    • getting the business ready for a sale or a management buyout

    • passing the business to the next generation

    • separating the business out from assets in order to pass the business to one sibling to the exclusion of others

  • Exploring the SBRR:

    • Richard and Marie Dalton have been running a pub through the Dalton Family Trust for over 30 years. In the last 10 years, their oldest daughter Leonie has become increasingly involved in the business as well; their two other children (Tricia and John) are not involved. Richard and Marie are looking at separating out the publican business from the family trust, with a view to eventually passing the business to Leonie

    • can the SBRR provide a tax effective solution?

Presented By

George Kolliou
Director, AG Tax Lawyers Melbourne, Vic.

George Kolliou, formerly principal of Kolliou Tax Lawyers, has worked in the taxation field for over 30 years, firstly as an accountant and then as a lawyer. George's special area of interest is the intersection of taxation and trust law particularly in the SME context.

George regularly presents at tax conferences on SME taxation issues and writes for various professional journals. He has also co-authored the Australian Trusts Tax Handbook published by Thomson Reuters.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for accountants and lawyers advising in taxation matters – Australia wide. This webinar is for practitioners with some knowledge in this area and looking to improve their knowledge.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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