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Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinar: Divorce and SMSFs – Trying to Retain the Happily Ever After

This session looks at the options for managing your SMSF where members are divorcing. It examines how assets are divided whilst keeping super in an SMSF. It includes: Dealing with asset valuations prior to settlement of divorce proceedings


About the Webinar

This session looks at the options for managing your SMSF where members are divorcing. It examines how assets are divided whilst keeping super in an SMSF. It includes:

  • Dealing with asset valuations prior to settlement of divorce proceedings

  • What happens if you cannot agree on value?

  • Managing business assets on separation

  • Trustee restructures on divorce

  • Ensuring trust deed clause prevents non-member spouse interest in fund

  • When should each party obtain specialist advisers?

  • CGT rollover advice - transferring assets in specie

  • What happens when pension started but divorce intervenes?

  • Dealing with lumpy assets

Presented By

Stephen Bourke
Director, SuperSplitting Pty Ltd Sydney, NSW

Stephen Bourke is a Director of SuperSplitting, an internet based superannuation law practice, specialising in Super and Family Law.  In his former life, he was head of the Family Law Division of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department and was a project leader for the legislative amendments on superannuation and family law.

Stephen is author of the leading text on the subject of superannuation splitting Super Splitting for Family Lawyers published in 2011 and is an active member of the Self-Managed Superannuation Professionals’ Association of Australia (SPAA).

Stephen appears in court as an expert witness in complex superannuation matters involving SMSFs as well as providing strategic or technical advice to parties that are negotiating settlement or collaborating.

SuperSplitting was started in 2002 and also assists trustees of self-managed funds, in conjunction with DBA Lawyers in Melbourne, to provide advice and documents after the split of an SMSF.

In his spare time, Stephen enjoys spirited discussions about the technicalities of statutory and court order drafting, skiing with friends and family and being a masterchef in the kitchen.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for lawyers advising in superannuation matters – Australia wide. This webinar is for practitioners with some knowledge in this area and looking to improve their knowledge.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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