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Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinar: Managing the Estate Plan When the Appointor Loses Capacity

What sort of provisions should be in your trust deed and estate planning documentation to deal with loss of capacity? This session looks at the challenges when passing control from one generation to the next, how to do it effectively and avoid family disputes. This session cover


About the Webinar

What sort of provisions should be in your trust deed and estate planning documentation to deal with loss of capacity? This session looks at the challenges when passing control from one generation to the next, how to do it effectively and avoid family disputes. This session covers:

  • Should the trust deed directly deal with loss of capacity?
  • How should loss of capacity be defined for these purposes?
  • Who should take over?
    • an attorney under enduring power?
    • a successor family member?
  • Sidestepping the problem - using a corporate appointor:
    • plusses and minuses of corporate appointors
    • dealing with director of the corporate appointor who loses capacity
    • it’s all about control - shareholders and voting the shares
    • shareholder losing capacity - who exercises voting power?
  • Structuring the loss of appointor capacity rules in the deed/constitution to minimize the risk of family fights - what approach is best:
    • protecting the non-business parent from their children
    • protecting siblings from each other
    • balancing the interests of the second spouse and the children of the first marriage

Presented By

Scott Whitla
Partner, McCullough Robertson Lawyers Brisbane, QLD

As an accredited specialist in succession law, Scott specialises in all aspects of succession planning, estate administration and estate and trust litigation. He manages the firm’s Equity and Private Client team, having been made a Partner in 2009. His clients include high-net worth individuals, accountants, financial advisers and other legal firms and their clients.

Scott assists clients to find effective succession planning solutions which protect and preserve assets for the intended beneficiaries, while also minimising the taxation and stamp duty implications which might otherwise arise. He is a leading lawyer in the area of preparing, interpreting and contesting wills, administering deceased estates and applications to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Scott also assists clients with estate administration and estate litigation. In addition to his substantial experience in these areas, Scott is also an expert on guardianship and administration issues, including matters involving questions of capacity, and the validity of transactions and decisions made under enduring powers of attorney.

Scott is a regular speaker for the Queensland Law Society, TEN The Education Network and the Taxation Institute of Australia. He is also a qualified mediator.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for lawyers throughout Australia who advise in estate planning matters. This webinar is for practitioners with some knowledge in this area and looking to improve their knowledge.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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