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Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinar: The SMSF Trust Deed: What Every Auditor Needs to Know

Auditors overlook the SMSF trust deed at their own peril. The deed is one of the most important documents in the life cycle of an SMSF. The session looks at the important role of the auditor in examining the trust deed and what they must look for, including:


About the Webinar

Auditors overlook the SMSF trust deed at their own peril. The deed is one of the most important documents in the life cycle of an SMSF. The session looks at the important role of the auditor in examining the trust deed and what they must look for, including:

  • Establishment, execution and amendment requirements

  • Specification of who may be trustee and membership requirements

  • Contribution clauses in deed - including type of contribution and dealing with excess contributions

  • Benefit and pension arrangements, including reversionary pensions, BDBNs and death benefits

  • Does the deed allow for SMSF reserves?

  • Powers relating to investments- investment type and control powers - unusual investments eg: property development

  • Borrowing clauses - prohibitions and permissions

  • Does the auditor have a positive duty to recommend updating trust deeds?

  • How should auditor respond when deed unduly limits powers?

  • What happens when allowed under law but not under deed and vice versa?

  • Is the deed compliant with cap balances and death benefit payments?

Presented By

Nathan Yii
Principal Lawyer, Chartered Tax Advisor and SMSF Specialist Advisor, Nathan Yii Lawyers Melbourne, Vic

Nathan Yii is the Principal Lawyer, Chartered Tax Advisor and an accredited SMSF Specialist AdvisorTM of the Melbourne based legal practice, Nathan Yii Lawyers. He is a graduate of Melbourne Law School and holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and a Master of Laws. He is a leading structuring and estate planning lawyer, a university lecturer and presenter and is recognised in Doyles’ Guide as a Preeminent Wills, Estates & Succession Planning Lawyer and a Leading Wills & Estates Litigation Lawyer in Victoria in 2021.

Nathan takes a strategic approach to legal practice and focuses on tax-effective solutions, estate planning, asset protection, SMSF compliance and trusts, estates and SMSF disputes. He works with and consults to high net worth individuals, family offices, legal and non-legal professionals and their clients.

Nathan is a regular presenter in his areas of interest and expertise and regularly presents for legal and accounting CPD providers and discussion groups around Australia. He is also an adjunct lecturer and advisory committee board member for the Estate Planning Practice Specialisation in the Master of Laws program at the College of Law.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for SMSF auditors throughout Australia. This webinar is for practitioners with some knowledge in this area and looking to improve their knowledge.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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