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Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinar: Streaming Franked Dividends through Trusts after the High Court Decision in Thomas

The High Court has handed down its decision in Thomas’ case, the first time the High Court has spoken on the subject of streaming franked dividends through trusts. This webinar is designed to bring you up to date on the decision and explain its implications for dividend streamin


About the Webinar

The High Court has handed down its decision in Thomas’ case, the first time the High Court has spoken on the subject of streaming franked dividends through trusts. This webinar is designed to bring you up to date on the decision and explain its implications for dividend streaming through trusts:

  • How Division 207 works – a refresher
  • Why the decision in Thomas is important
  • What Thomas is all about:
    • the “birfurcation” of franked dividends and their associated franking credits
    • why it doesn’t work
    • the Qld Supreme Court orders and why they were significant
    • why the Federal Court was bound by the decision of the Queensland Supreme Court
    • why the High Court disagreed
    • Thomas: the practical outcome for the taxpayer
  • The High Court decision in practice:
    • what the High Court said about Division 207
    • has it changed anything?
    • avoiding the traps in distribution resolutions
  • Worked examples of streaming franked dividends – resolutions and dividend flows

Presented By

George Kolliou
Director, AG Tax Lawyers Melbourne, Vic.

George Kolliou, formerly principal of Kolliou Tax Lawyers, has worked in the taxation field for over 30 years, firstly as an accountant and then as a lawyer. George's special area of interest is the intersection of taxation and trust law particularly in the SME context.

George regularly presents at tax conferences on SME taxation issues and writes for various professional journals. He has also co-authored the Australian Trusts Tax Handbook published by Thomson Reuters.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for accountants advising in taxation matters – Australia wide. This is an update webinar on recent developments in this area.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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