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Recorded Webinars

Recorded Webinar: Reviewing NFP Governing Documents for Efficiency Gaps andl Risk

Governing documents, such as constitutions, rules or trust deeds, play a vital role in the operation of a charity or NFP. However, a ‘set and forget’ attitude can lead to outdated documents and increased risks. This session considers how to review governing documents, and when ch


About the Webinar

Governing documents, such as constitutions, rules or trust deeds, play a vital role in the operation of a charity or NFP. However, a ‘set and forget’ attitude can lead to outdated documents and increased risks. This session considers how to review governing documents, and when changes need to be implemented, including:

  • Types of governing documents – deeds and constitutions
  • Do you have the right governing documents?
  • What risk factors to watch out for – identifying red flags
  • Auditing checklists for governing documents
  • Reviewing policies and procedures for risk and identifying efficiency gaps
  • Keeping governing documents up to date
  • Tips and tricks for amending governing documents

Presented By

Vera Visevic
Partner, Mills Oakley Sydney, NSW

Vera heads up the Sydney Not-for-Profit team at Mills Oakley. She practises not-for-profit and charity law.

Acting for numerous charities, religious, community groups, professional associations and not-for-profit organisations, Vera has over 30 years’ experience in the legal profession.

In the not-for-profit sector, Vera focuses on governance and fundraising issues, mergers and divisions, establishment of charitable trusts and funds, tax concessions and exemptions, social enterprises, and regularly advises on constitutions, structural advice and ATO endorsements.

Further, she is an author in “Charity Law”, European Lawyer Reference.

Vera sits on a number of boards and committees, including

  • NSW Cemeteries & Crematoria NSW, Community and Consumer Consultative Group
  • ACNC Professional User Group
  • Law Council of Australia – Charities & Not for Profits Committee
  • CatholicCare, Diocese of Parramatta
  • Everyday Justice, Mills Oakley’s charitable firm which seeks to assist the “missing middle” through free legal advice and representation

Vera has also been in publications including:

  • Charity Global Guide: Australia

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is suitable for executives working for not for profits and charities - Australia wide. This webinar is for practitioners with some knowledge in this area and looking to improve their knowledge.


If you need assistance or have an enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Webinar Coordinator, Lisa Tran on (03) 8601 7709 or email: [email protected]

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